Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patty's Day

I wish I could say I created a fun activity for me & my daughter this St. Patrick's Day. Usually I go all out with every holiday & decorate our mantel with a piece of artwork made by our toddler. But all I could manage was some yummy green Key Lime cupcakes (out of the box). It was still fun to teach my daughter how to break an egg.
Instead I'll blog about another green activity, gardening. For years I have been telling my husband I wanted to start a garden. But every year spring rolls around & I always say the same thing, "It's too late". This year I started my research in February. I had a small window to work with so I jumped in. I'm actually following this awesome YouTube channel, CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY. She has a first garden series & google+ community which is so helpful. I stumbled upon her channel after looking up a bunch of gardening videos and I'm so glad I did. It's been such an enjoyable experience & the ultimate starting from scratch project. It's amazing to see a plant grow from a tiny seed. Here are a few pictures of their progress so far.

I've planted 2 types of lettuce, Kale, Cilantro, Spinach, 2 types of Tomatoes, 2 types of Basil, & Carrots (in a container). I'm using these Jiffy Pellets & they are so convenient. Not everything will be organic this year, but I figure I'm just learning the do's & don'ts of gardening. Next year we will try to go 100% organic. 
We will be planting some of these into the ground shortly. Blog on that coming soon.
I'll leave you with a picture of my little helper. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 16, 2015

1st Blog Post

Hi. My Name is Genissa and this is my first Blog post.
I have always wanted to start my own blog, but truthfully I've been a little frightened. As a full time working mommy to a beautiful 2 year old, I knew starting a blog wouldn't be the easiest thing to accomplish. I've been a huge blogger fan since way before Pinterest came along. Although I do admit Pinterest has inspired me to start reading again & of course finally start my own blog.
The main reason why I use to find myself wishing I had a blog was to mainly do tutorials. I use to scour the web & Martha Stewart website back in the day just to find a simple way to make something myself or as they say, DIY. Call me cheap or thrifty, but I don't see the point in purchasing something from a store when I can easily (or not so easily) make it myself. I definitely take after my creative dad.
So with that being said, I want to dedicate this blog to my crafts. Crafting in my world is not just me sitting at my desk making scrapbooks, although admittedly I used to make them years ago. Crafting to me is everything I make from my own two hands from scratch. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I know I can create something out of nothing.
Join me as I cook, bake, throw parties, sew baby clothes, plant a garden, make wreaths & everything in between. I'm no professional, but I enjoy this crafty life. I hope you feel inspired to craft or create too.